Thursday, September 13, 2012

the crusades

Crusade comes from the Latin word crux, meaning a cross.
To go on a crusade meant going to fight for Christ. In 1100, it meant going to fight the Muslim in the holy land , around Jerusalem, where Christ had lived.
In AD 637, the Muslims captured the city of Jerusalem, which was a holy city to Christians because Christ had lived and died in that area.
Pope Urban II heard of this and in 1095 called a mass meeting in France of all the knights. He made an passionate speech to them, calling on them to fight against the evil enemy to regain Jerusalem. At the end of his speech, thousands  came forward, shouting that they were ready to fight and die for Christ.
English, French and German knights went on Crusades for over 200 years. However, as they were always fighting amongst themselves they were never successful for long.
In the year1071, the Turks invaded the Holy Land.
In the year1096, the Peasants crusade happened.
In the year 1097 , the First crusade happened.
In the year 1147, the second crusade back down.
In the year 1187, there is people call Saladin win back the Jerusalem .
In the year 1212 children crusade did not came home .

Some reasons that the Christians went on the Crusades were:
1. show pope how strong.
2. to make the wars end and bring back the wars to Muslim
3. to increase the power of the pope. make save for the Christian to go to the holy land.

Some new farming ideas from the Muslims were windmills
Some new goods brought back from the East were perfume , oils , etc
Some new knowledge gained from the Muslims included astronomy , military science

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