Tuesday, October 9, 2012

black plague

The years that the Black Plague came to England were June 1348 Dismembers 1347
 The reasons it came to England were from India and China   T trading rotes and rats   
The ways it spread were the   rat s is die so no more bald so the fly is move to human
The different types of plague were bubonic and pneumonic
The bubonic plague was   the more common and is carried in the bloodstream of rats. Fleas bite the rats and become infected. They then hop onto humans, bite them and pass on the disease.

The pneumonic plague was more deadly. It is  caught by breathing in the germs when an infected person coughs or sneezes

The symptoms of the plague were:
Day 1: painful swelling called buboes
Day 2:the victim vomited and developed a fever
Day 3: bleeding under the skin
Day 4: the disease attack the nervous system
Day 5:sometimethe buboes burst
Some of the cures for the plague included:
1.     burn the body and clothe ,
2.     clean s street form all human and animal
3.     don’t eat meat, cheese  
The number of people that died was 30-45 % of human in 1348-50